Monday, September 10, 2007

I'm tired. Really, really tired.

I just don't know it yet.

Four hours of sleep last night, one cup of coffee this morning and a second in progress. I ride to school, blood moving through my veins. "Just ride," I say, "When you are riding, just ride." Maybe my shoulders let loose for a moment or two, but then tense right back up again as though I've put a thick rubber band around them.

I'm cheerful and friendly and it's genuine. I really do want you to have a nice day and a good morning. Also, I'm at work. I'm working. When I'm working, everything else gets left at home. It's not a bad morning. I had cake for breakfast. I don't eat sweets much, but cake for breakfast is a nice treat. The bitter coffee offsets the sweet and it's better that way. Too much and I feel terrible, but a little is nice sometimes.

I like teaching when I'm in there and the kids (only a couple of whom are actually older than me) are responsive. I found a major flaw in my next lab I'm supposed to teach and I said something, so I get to do it my way. Uncharted territory for me, but not really. Yes, that's a sentence fragment.

Second cup is half done. I had better study.

Gleocapsa, means "gluey box." Microcystis, "small bladder."

Lovely little blue-green things, lit from beneath. Fischerella is my favorite, named for a man named Fischer.

1 comment:

Alex Bledsoe said...

Jessica! Write me at

Sorry we lost touch; Yahoo deep-sixed my old e-mail account last year and took all my addresses with it.

Give Iris a kiss for me!
